5000L/H 2 Stage Integrated Container RO Water Purification Plant
This system uses mechanical filtration and activated carbon filtration as the pre-treatment to effectively remove suspended solids in the raw water,
For impurities such as sediment particles, organic colloids, organic matter, peculiar smell, residual chlorine, etc., the program-controlled reverse osmosis device is used as pre-desalination to remove most of the soluble salt substances, bacteria, heat source, etc. in the raw water to ensure that the quality of the finished water meets the standard.
The system is mainly composed of the original water tank level, intermediate tank level, and pure water tank level sensors to sense the corresponding water level status of the water tank, low-voltage protection sensing and other control signals are input to the electrical board, and different execution commands are issued according to different signal conditions to achieve Automatic control..

Interior decoration

5000L/H Double Stage RO

5T Integrated Container RO Water Purification Plant

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